Rev. Cosmas Rhagot K’Otienoh, lived at St. John, the beloved parish, Mclean, Virginia, USA during his tour of study at the Catholic University of America (CUA 2001-2003), and made contacts with Lou and Mary Warchot- the loving parents of the late Elizabeth Warchot, of fond memories who decided to build a school in Kenya in memory of their loving daughter through Because of Elizabeth Foundation.

Lou and Mary Warchot wanted to work with a Bishop from Kenya who would take responsibility of building the proposed girls’ High School. Rev. Cosmas introduced His Grace Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth to the Warchot Family and while Archbishop was visiting Washington, DC area, the Warchot Family arranged to meet him to discuss further the prospects of building a girls only school in remembrance of their loving daughter Elizabeth.

In 2012, Uzima University College built by His Grace Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth opened its door to the very first medical students having been accredited by Regulatory bodies in Kenya.

Rev. Cosmas was appointed Deputy Principal in charge of Administration and Finance. In March 2020, Uzima University College got a Letter of Interim Authority and became Uzima University- with Rev. Cosmas being appointed the first Vice Chancellor (President) of the Uzima University, a position he holds to date. He also doubles up as the director of St. Elizabeth Mary Girls. With the support of his Grace Archbishop Zacchaueus Okoth, Rev. Cosmas is determined to make St. Elizabeth Mary a model school of Uzima University – an oasis where good students, who finish from St. Elizabeth Mary can join Uzima University in order to train as doctors, clinicians, nurses, microbiologist, and community health workers. We at Uzima University are determined to improve quality of learning at St Elizabeth Mary Girl’s High School.

It is because of this dream that His Grace Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth decided to pay salaries of teachers at St. Elizabeth Mary knowing that most students who come to learn at the school are from humble background. Hence, the support His Grace Archbishop Zacchaeus has given St. Elizabeth Mary in terms of salaries for teachers is massive as it is indicated below:

  1. Salaries paid since 10th October 2018 to date by Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth is Kshs 11,969,918.00 (90,001.81 US Dollar)
  2. Foodstuff bought for Boarding Section up to date is Kshs 1,282,160.00 (9,640.56 US Dollar)

TOTAL:  Kshs. 13,251,070.00 (US Dollar: 99,634.80)

Looking into the future it is our belief and determination to make St. Elizabeth Mary Girls High School, a model school that will attract girls from the surrounding counties of Vihiga, Kericho, Kakamega, Kisii, Siaya, Homabay and Migori as catchment areas for girls whose parents income bracket will certainly be higher and will afford the tuition fees at St. Elizabeth Mary Girls High School. It is for this reason that we look forward to this model school competing in equal measure with other girls schools in Kisumu County and in Kenya.

For St. Elizabeth Mary Girls High School to compete effectively with other schools in this region and in order to perform well, the following needs must be addressed as soon as possible:

  1. A big Dormitory – to accommodate a student population of 200 boarders.
  2. A well-equipped science Laboratory.
  3. A-54-Seater school bus.

To you, Mary and Lou Warchot, Catherine and all the esteemed members of the Board of Because of Elizabeth Foundation, on behalf of the principal, staff and students, members of the Board of Management and parents, Teachers Association and the Franciscan Sisters of the Good shepherd working at the School, I wish to thank you sincerely for standing with ST. ELIZABETH MARY GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL. May God bless and reward you always.

His Grace Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth, EBS, STL, Ph.D

Patron of St. Elizabeth Mary Girls High School.

Founding Chancellor Of Uzima University.